One Kanban

Elevate your productivity with Kanban. Tailored to your unique work needs, our tool is brimming with dynamic features that evolve and grow, ensuring you're always at the forefront of efficiency. Dive in and explore

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Task Management

One Kanban excels in task management, offering a comprehensive set of features to keep your projects organized and on track.

  • Create Tasks: Quickly create new tasks, assigning them to team members with due dates and priority levels..
  • Update Tasks: Effortlessly update task statuses, making real-time collaboration simple and effective.. 
Task management
Connect with One Chat

Bridge your communication and collaboration tools to ensure every idea and task is seamlessly captured and actioned.

Effortlessly Import Your Trello Boards

Effortlessly transition from Trello to One Kanban by importing your existing boards. Maintain continuity and enjoy the enhanced features and integrations offered by

Kanban board

Frequently asked questions

Got more questions? We’ve got answers. is an all-in-one solution for software development and project management, combining all essential tools into a single platform. This streamlines the workflow for developers and project managers, eliminating the need to switch between multiple tabs or applications to manage tasks and collaborate with their teams.

We appreciate your focus on data security. Just like you, we prioritize keeping your information confidential. Our platform utilizes end-to-end encryption for all data transmissions. This encryption goes beyond traditional email systems by safeguarding your data throughout its journey. Only the intended recipients can access the information, as it remains encrypted even on our servers.

To edit a mock server, simply hover your mouse over it and look for the "Edit" option that appears. If you can't find it, let me know and we can troubleshoot further.

The mock API server is hosted on the domain This domain is managed and controlled by

Public Access: The server allows public access, meaning any client or user can interact with the mock APIs without the need for specific permissions.

There are no limitations on the number of API calls you can make per month.

There is no limit on the number of workspaces you can create in any tier. However, each tier has a limit on the number of users you can add.

We use AWS, which has data centers in Europe. This allows us to host our services and ensure data residency and compliance with European regulations. Thanks

This is running on our server.

We currently do not support Firebase integration; however, it is on our roadmap to incorporate Firebase into OneDB. Additionally, Onecode is exclusively an image-to-code solution.

While our app isn't free, we've invested heavily in its development and maintenance. Our pricing reflects its value, aiming to be fair and competitive. We appreciate your understanding and support.

Absolutely, we offer lifetime support for our app. We recognize the importance of ongoing assistance and are committed to ensuring a seamless user experience throughout the entire lifespan of our product.
Get in Touch with Us

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